

お米不足に思うこと|A Thought on Rice Shortage of This Summer




いつも授業の前に先生から"Quoi de neuf?" (何かかわったことはあった?)と尋ねられます。



Yesterday, I had a French lesson. My teacher said, "Quoi de neuf?" as always, meaning, "What's new?"

I talked about the shortage of rice these days.




I told him I opened the last bag of 5kg of rice a few days ago. I also said that my friends are exchanging information about the shops that have rice at the opening time only or how to save the rice they still have by mixing it with glutinous rice or eating rice cakes instead.



利用している宅配サービスではお米を注文しても抽選制であること、前回は残念ながら抽選にはずれてしまったことなど話すと、フランス人の C 先生は目を丸くして驚き、それは残念だったねとおっしゃいました。


When I said that my delivery service had adopted a lottery system, which I could not win the rice, my French tutor, Mr.C, was very surprised with his eyes wide open and said, " Oh, I'm sorry for you!"




To tell the truth, we were not so disappointed because my husband and I can eat spaghetti, Soba, or Udon if rice is unavailable. We are indeed rice lovers, but we have dinner with just a little alcohol, sometimes accompanied by a bit of rice, and that's all.




My teacher said, " I heard about the problem, but that doesn't bother us as we have stocked lots of pasta," with a broad smile.






As we continued talking about the rice trouble, I remembered our days in France because of my husband's job thirty years ago.

As we were living in the suburbs of Paris, the only rice we could get was long and dry rice sold at the supermarkets in the neighborhood.





That also reminds me of what happened when I was shopping at a large supermarket several weeks after we arrived in France. I was walking on the allay of rice when I saw a couple of sparrows pecking around at the rice grains on the floor. At a closer look, those grains came from a hole in the corner of a rice package stuck on the shelf. The structure of the supermarket itself was just like a vast warehouse. Nobody cared about little birds eating sold goods or holes in the packages on the shelves. That easy-going way of French people was fantastic to me.




The dry rice seemed acceptable if we used it on the occasion when I  made curry and rice. However, we ( my children and me) gave them up soon after. 




Most of the Japanese I knew in our area bought our familiar chewy rice at the Japanese food store in Paris. The rice was produced by a Japanese farmer in Spain. It cost much more than ordinary rice, but there was nothing else we could do.





We, however, did not eat only rice at our house.

On the contrary, I still remember the baguettes we usually bought at the bakery near our house. As you all know, so-called baguettes are crispy bread with slanted cuts on the surface, as seen everywhere in France.




Baguettes are indispensable for dinner tables, which may be relevant to white rice for us Japanese people. Simple dishes for dinner are always accompanied by baguettes. The baguette sandwiches with ham and cheese for lunch were amazingly delicious!






そのパンのおいしさは私にもわかります。二人をしかることはできず、いつしかおつかいを頼むときは "Une baguette et demie(バゲット一本と半分)" と始めから多めに言っておくようになりました。


When I cooked Western food for dinner, I used to ask my two daughters, who were, at that time, in elementary school, to get a baguette at the nearby bakery.

I did so because I wanted my family members to have a warm dinner and delicious and crispy baguette at the same time.

To my disappointment, they often came home with only a half baguette. They could not resist the temptation of the good crispy baguette and had a little bit of it again and again on their way home!

Well, I could imagine how good it must've been, so from then on, I asked the girls to 

get " a baguette and a half."




When I think of it, I cannot stop thinking that what baguettes are for French people is the same as what white pearly rice is for us Japanese. The basic idea must be  that those are the food cultures we must treasure for ages.





The causes of the rice shortage are said to be the unusually hot summer or the overconsumption of rice for fear of earthquakes all over Japan these days.

I hope the Japanese government will not adopt extreme control over the rice supply.

I especially hope that children who need basic nutrition to grow up or the elderly people who are hit by this year's scorching summer can receive what they need for their health.









